Florilegium is a studio focusing the sculptural effects of Gesualdo's V and VI Madrigal’s Books.
The selected Gesualdo fragments for the vocal ensemble, composed by Lucia Ronchetti, are adapted to a poetical sequence based on the Elegie "Die Metamorphose der Pflanzen" written by Goethe in 1798. The reportage of the evolution of vegetal life, from the darkness of the earth to the orderly explosion caused by the light and warmth, as conjured by Goethe, is interrupted by some poetical portrait of flowers: the Rose by Silesius, the Blaue Hortensie by Rainer Maria Rilke or the Traubenhyazinthe by Barthold Hinrich Brockes among others. The choir and orchestral parts are composed by Raffaele Grimaldi, as reconstruction of the Gesualdo’s poetical voice, his “tenebroso giorno”. The existentialistic voice of Gesualdo is in contrast with the evanescent, positive voice of the nature, following the Goethe’s vision.