To celebrate the centennial of the birth of the great Venetian composer Luigi Nono (29 January 1924), La Biennale di Venezia presents a Special Project of the Historical Archive of the Contemporary Arts (ASAC) to revive the opera Prometeo. Tragedia dell’ascolto by Luigi Nono produced by the Biennale Musica in 1984, which will be staged from January 26th to 29th 2024 in the Church of San Lorenzo, now TBA21–Academy’s Ocean Space, where the original performance was held.
The Special Project for this revival is a joint effort of the Historical Archive of La Biennale (ASAC) and the Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono, which has reached an agreement with La Biennale di Venezia to transfer its materials to the International Research Centre on Contemporary Arts of La Biennale, currently under construction at the Arsenale. Prometeo. Tragedia dell’ascolto is part of the process to enhance the transfer of the Luigi Nono Fonds, to be accompanied by a dedicated seminar.
Roberto Cicutto, President La Biennale di Venezia
Debora Rossi, Head of the Historical Archive of Contemporary Arts of La Biennale di Venezia
Nuria Schoenberg Nono, Presidente Fondazione Archivio Luigi Nono
to be followed
Andrea Estero, President Associazione Nazionale Critici Musicali
in conversation with
Lucia Ronchetti
Marco Angius
Massimo Cacciari
Carlo Fontana
Alvise Vidolin