Ateneo Veneto
- Round table moderated by Gerfried Stocker, Artistic director Ars Electronica
Brigitta Muntendorf, Composer, opera director
Guy Ben-Ary, Researcher, SymbioticA at the University of Western Australia
Lucia Ronchetti, Composer, Artistic Director Biennale Musica Venezia
Stefan Lattner, Research Leader at Sony CSL Music Team
D. Aksenov, Chairman of the bord, CultTech association
The recent developments in the area of Artificial Intelligence, namely applications using Generative AI, are hotly and controversially discussed in the media on a daily basis. They seem to be leaving no stone unturned in many areas of human societies, economies and – especially – culture. The far-reaching potential of applications of AI for cultural production spark interest and even excitement from artists as well as their audiences and at the same time lead to reasonable concerns about the still unfathomable effects of the use of AI on intellectual property, value and authenticity of artistic expression and even the human condition as such.
In this current, highly dynamic situation the general discussion is frequently superficial and marked by misconceptions about the technology, moreover: it often does not take the cultural aspects of AI into consideration. But there is much at stake for the future of human culture – for individual creators, cultural institutions as well as for their audiences. Therefore the discourse on the useful application as well as the impact of AI clearly needs to be brought into the realm of culture. Cultural institutions and creators should not wait for others – corporate players or governments – to define their future for them. Instead, they need to join forces to gather and share the competence and insight, which is needed for an informed approach to the beneficial use – and future shape – of AI in culture.
Ars Electronica and CultTech Association have taken the initiative to host a series of meetings with experts of “AI and Music”. After Salzburg alongside the Salzburg Festival and Linz during Ars Electronica, the next meeting will be in Venice during the Biennale Musica 2023. Reports about experiences from artists already working with AI and music will be again in the center of the deliberations.