"Toccar con gl’occhi e rimirar col tatto" (feeling with one's eyes and seeing by touch) is a line from one of the most celebrated arias of the opera "Giasone" by Francesco Cavalli. It tells of the passionate desires of Jason, who is in love with Medea without ever having seen her, since their only encounter took place in the dark.
The voluntary blindness of the couple and the progressive darkness of their destiny form the subject of the remake in form of chamber opera "Lezioni di tenebra", composed in 2010.
In the arrangement made by Luca Sanzò, the three violas give voices to the characters of Giasone and Isifile, the beatitude of the man, and the desperation of the abandoned woman, among the landscape around them.
They reproduce the original vocal sounds with different treatments of the viola, imitating the voices in all the possible nuances, producing a shadow of the two delicate and fragile figures.